Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
From the famed framed sunrise
The one and only immortal one
Who spun every gem beyond the Sun
Opening the doors to immortality
And booked his plays with eternity
With one big exception
To every heart’s reception
Not a single verse from his Magnus opus
-My hopeless search for every bonus -
Celebrating the most festive moment
The yearly moment of enjoyment
Or at least a rough template
How to grandly celebrate
In verse or play or debate
The perfect birthday wish
From the master’s dish
He definitely had the rarest of tools
The rarest keys taught in all the schools
Dictionaries yielded their kept secrets
For me toil, but for him lazy easy rest
The one the only mold the great Shakespeare
With brilliance that seeing eye and that delicate ear
To do with words slavery as he pleases
He chose prime, discarded others like diseases
I will take him to task
You might fault me: but do ask
Why? I need a special birthday wish
My main wish not some side dish
I will drag this poem to smithereens
Till I reign in all the birthday queens
And choose the fairest of them all
Steal the rarest crown my offer my call
This is only the overture
To vent out my poetic nature
Once the dust settles down
I will drawn down my frown
And compose the greatest wish
To celebrate your birthday’s bliss
Break the greatest of taboos
Resurrect Ella’s singing shoes
The greatest Fitzgerald voice in jazz
Happy birthday’s pizzazz razzmatazz
To you only my love, my special heart my dear
Resurrect the lost art of Jazz, divinity will doom me to hell’s deaf ear
For playing God in my wish to create this special birthday cheer!
Leaking Pen