Oh the irony of this mortal situation,
being encased in this temporary flesh.
For I’m momentarily bound to this earth,
although I anticipate my heavenly journey.
At the moment of Christ’s crucifixion,
the temple curtain was torn in two by God,
ripping it from the top to its bottom,
which signified His personal invitation…
for unhindered, one-on-one interaction.
And yet I yearn to feel His presence,
knowing that my sin keeps us separated.
Struggling seems futile, since He…
promised to never forsake His Children
because of a inherently flawed condition.
Give me daily strength to take up my cross,
as I continue tear away my heart’s covering
of this unwanted and disconnecting… human veil.
Author Notes:
Loosely based on:
2 Cor 3: 7-16,4: 1-6; Mark 15: 37-38;
Matt 10: 38-39,27: 50-51; Joel 2: 12-13
Inside the Jewish synagogue, the curtain had separated the “inner court” from the “holy of holies”, a place where the only the high priest could enter.
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
Joseph James Breunig 3rd