The moment a child is born.
It learns to bond with its mother.
But, sometimes unfortunately a mother is torn.
Between being a real mother and drugs.
She refuses to feed the baby.
She shrugs.
And leaves mothering to the other.
Because, she sees her newborn baby as a bother,
And never bonds with her baby.
The baby never feels the closeness with its mother.
As when holding it securely feeding it lovingly,
The baby compulsively,
Makes noises to draw attention impulsively,
It becomes a way for the baby to survive.
It may grow up messing in its pants.
Because it's a feeling of security,
Not showing maturity.
The child eventually develops reactive attachment disorder.
From never being held close to its mother.
From never being loved and nurtured by its mother.
Then, the child's placed into foster care by court order.
The child learns from birth, not to bond or trust anyone.
Because sooner or later everyone.
Will hurt you!
Look, what your own mother did to you.
They hear their inner voice say.
She never wanted you.
Rejected from birth,
The court prays that someone will love these broken children.
As they're placed from home to home, feeling the world's judgment,
These children silently wait for true justice.
Waiting for someone to love them unconditionally,
To accept them as they are.
They wait to be part of a family one day.
All they want is someone that truly cares.
That can love the unlovable,
And be loveable, through all their pain.
Patricia Kelley