Daleen Enslinstrydom - Dreams do come true

2014-10-29 19

Dreams are like old memories and wishes
and longings and expectations
all caught in dream time.

Sometimes dreams feel so real
and fulfilment comes when you pursue
the life that you have dreamt,
almost as if you were praying in your sleep,
it's like paying it forward
out of desires of yesterday.

Dreams can turn into nightmares
when your are caught in somebody else's dream
as their dreams can bring sorrow and hardship.

Work hard to find your dream that does fit you.
Know that dreams do come true
with a lot of hope, prayers and perseverance
and the longings of the heart.

While you lie next to me,
I do remember that you had been my dream once.
I turn to you and ask
that you do not give up on your dreams,
as life has got a dream that will fit you in.

Daleen Enslinstrydom
