David Quarles - The Bright, Sparkling Girl in the Yellow Checkered Dress

2014-10-29 24

I see a bright, sparkling girl in a yellow checkered dress
I see a bright sunny girl in a yellow checkered dress
I see a smiling sparkling girl cutting banana leaves for tamales who is full of life
I see a sparkling pretty girl who asks to borrow my pocket knife
I see a spirit free bright sunny streaked blonde hair girl riding in the back of a pick up truck
I see a quiet, shy, smiling girl who wants to be seen
I see a pretty, sparkling girl who wants to be taken out
I see a live, vivacious girl who likes to dance
I see a live, quiet, smiling girl who deserves a chance
I see a reserved, quiet, unassuming girl who is spirit free
I see a deserving sparkling girl in a yellow checkered dress who might be for me?

David Quarles
