'I would never be anything in life'
is a line I never stopped to listen to;
tell me I have a good heart good soul
or tell me I have an evil streak dark;
neither will I stop to listen to choices
my choices are mine responsibility too;
I accept all consequences of indelible actions
I change improve smile improve my options.
I am soul prepared to sow better possibilities
not for self but for struggle suffering others;
I give freely without false reward expectations
more sinned against than sinning my motto;
I am life embraced free will my will affirmed
in all things striving to bestow soul blessings.
I never listened to people who told dark lie
spin web 'You will never be anything in life';
because such wishes are seals of dark hearts
years will add take away in due measures;
experiences can be endured or lesson learned
attitudes are affirmation to achieve or fail;
refuse to be another person's pale expectations
unless their wishes are lights illuminations;
messages of hope revealing better paths
lies deceit have no power before over me;
I am my own choice destiny decisions
I refuse to be less than my own abilities;
potential purified in fire life trials tribulations
many times have I changed roads employment.
Dedicated in blessing to all who refuse to believe lies.
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)