chandra thiagarajan - The good Samaritan

2014-10-29 5

The Good Samaritan
Suddenly there occurs an incident,
‘Tis a harrowing gory road accident,
The man affected, is on the mid-road, bed,
Lying helpless and bleeding from his head.

His mo-bike is smashed from the ride,
And his belongings all strewn aside.
The passers-by for a view encircle him,
Curious at the happening so grim.

Many a vehicle did zoom past,
None did halt for they hadn't any heart.
A renowned, reputed and lauded man,
Too passed by in his popular van.

People around rushed to him for help,
But he turned aside and gave a yelp.
There came forward a person, guileless,
And spotted the man lying forlorn and helpless.

He instantly swung into operation,
Gathered all the strewn things with precaution;
Dialled the ambulance for immediate action,
And proceeded to phone the victims' relation.

He accompanied the victim to the hospital,
Paid necessary amount and secured attention, vital.
When the victims ‘ relations arrived, in fact,
He handed over all the belongings in tact.

The doctors were happy with their medical cover,
As the patient was brought within the golden hour.
Soon the victim came back to life as a re-birth,
And every one heaved a heavy sigh of mirth.

As all turned to profusely thank the unknown man,
And to make good the fees which from his pocket ran,
The good Samaritan was nowhere to be seen around;
He acted just as per his goodness and conscience sound!

chandra thiagarajan

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