India, not a country,
India is Universe itself;
A mini Universe
Of gargantuan galaxies
Running away from the centre
And also from themselves;
And stars within
Collide and merge
Or circumambulate
In show of strength;
Yet, all are bound,
Revolving around distant centre.
India is built
On the bricks of the past,
Laid in unending layers,
And cemented in Indianness
And reinforced steel
Of the cultural bond;
Earthquake proof
Is its edifice,
No volcanoes ever
Annihilate this field
Though eruptions here
Are ever present.
India is kaleidoscopic,
A patch-work fabric,
But, fabric in essence;
A work of stitches
In threads of steel
Of belonging together;
Patch-works do give
Huge enduring strength
That no aggressors ever
Could tear to pieces;
They stuck to its textures
As warps and wefts.
Himalayan fences
Guard its North,
Deep rolls of seas
At East and West
Protect its shores,
Lest India lose
Ingenuous identities
Of height and width,
Of depth and strength
In spiritual light
That illumed humanity
From its very root.
Ups and downs are
But natural rules;
India saw myriad ebbs,
Myriad falls in its soul,
But never snapped;
India free indeed sees
Criminals at the helm,
Public, silent,
While evils do rule the roost;
Be rest assured,
Trough leads to crest;
Await advent of golden age.
India is world's spiritual land,
India holds world's leash in hand;
Evils soon sink in time's sand
To resurface India in moral lead.
Praveen Kumar In Celestial Glow