Lyudmila Purgina - M.Tsvetaeva, Distance - translation (rus.)

2014-10-29 13

Marina Tsvetaeva

Dis- tance: versts and miles...
We were dis- set and dis- piled
For purpose to grow still
In two parts of earth - the real.

Dis- tance: versts and expanses...
We were dis- soldered, dis- pasted,
Were crucified in two hands,
Though alloy, to different ends.

Though alloy of inspiration,
Unawared, they broke tendons.
Walls and ditch were the border for us,
To the eagles, the plotters - at once.

Dis- tance: versts and expanses...
Was not trouble, but loss of presence.
Like the orphans in slums of the earth
We were shoved merciless off.

Yet again, how much - at march? !
As the pack of cards - scattered such.

24 march 1925

Lyudmila Purgina