Priya Arora - Hope ''Spiritual Grace''

2014-10-29 7

Time goes on,
Will not stop for me nor for you.

Hope is the one, that keeps on moving us.
Yes that's true.

True is the fact,
Hope has 'spiritual grace'.

Embedded with strength and courage,
Guide us to run in the race.

Let your hope never die,
Never let it remain away from you.

Hope is the strength,
Strength to run your life all through.

Never feel lonely, never feel sad,
Let hope be there with you, to make you feel glad.

Life is beautiful,
at times life gets tough,

Hope is the one that keeps you strong,
No matter how life gets rough.

May 'Hope' remain be by your side,
May it never gets apart from you.

May it be your strength,
May every dream, every desire of you come true.

Priya Arora