Cosmic Dreamer - My Deepest Desire...

2014-10-29 30

I long to feel the pleasure of your embrace,
Such an equisite breach of my personal boundary.
Warm, electric, tender... My deepest desire,
I need it more than the air I breathe or the dreams I paint.
I yearn to gaze into those eyes and lose myself,
To be lost for days without anything but the thought of you.
To feel totaly and completely naked yet safer that I have ever felt,
To know that you love me without having to hear it said.
What I long for is the very thought of you,
For I know such perfection is but a dream.
But here you are contradicting me to the point of insanity,
Here I stand, never wanting my sanity to return...

Spread the love... The peace will follow...

Cosmic Dreamer