I think they know i don't like to eat
I think they know thats why
I can't sit still in my seat
If they only knew thats not the only thing
If they knew that the blade i hold to my skin
Doesn't just take the hair away
When the red oozes out
So does the pain
When he started retreating
Because of you
My heart stopped beating
And when you asked me how i felt
I laughed in your face
You don't regret
A single word you said to me
You don't feel a pang for anything
Your my parents
But theres no trust between us
Your my legal guardians
Thats all
You gave me life
Thats it
If i had a chance to redo
What i did
I would do everything exactly the same
I would go-out with him
There would be no shame
I would kiss him
And show him off
I wouldn't keep him hidden
I'd be proud to call him mine
But guess what he's not
Not mine that is
Because of you!
I haven't been the same
You really hurt me
You said i lost your trust
And you think that i must
Prove myself to you
But guess what?
Trust is not a one way street
Trust is a thing between two
Rachel Byrum