If not for Mary, would we have Jesus?
If not for Jesus, would we know Mary?
She was a Lady, prophesied truly;
She crushed serpent’s head, through Christ’s birth duly!
Her seed was Jesus, who fought the devil;
He won temptations, and over evil!
Mary was special, chosen by Maker,
To be Heaven’s Queen, God so did make her!
Mary was born of two saints, tells history;
Virgin was sin-free, says Bible story;
Her conception was immaculate, yes!
Generations will forever her, bless!
“Happy Birthday, Dear Mother Mary! ”
We gratefully recite your Rosary.
Prayerfully dedicated to our Heavenly Mother
By Dr. Celestine, wife Mercy, daughters: Cathy and Diana
Copyright by Dr John Celes 08-09-11
Dr John Celes