Bob Gotti - God Is Not Dead

2014-10-29 1

A man once said there is no God, I say, what a simple foolish clod,
Just look around and you will see, Creation envelopes you and me,
This world did not simply evolve, this bring an unbeliever’s resolve,
A belief to do away with God, that men confirm, with a foolish nod.

An empty theory in which men trust, which was then and now a bust,
All happening so very long ago, billions of years, is what they know,
But, what they don’t know is Truth, absent in their lame lack of proof,
However, they still remain resolved, that, their Big Bang has evolved.

These foolish men will one day see, The Lord and Creator of eternity,
Then they’ll truly know The Creator, but, Christ will not be their Savior,
As Christ will be The Judge of all, godless fools, both big and small,
Men evolving on an atheist path, who shall see the Lord God’s Wrath.

For all men will be without excuse, even when Truth these men refuse,
For Creation is plain to everyone, even those, who refuse God’s Son,
While not believing in a Creator, these men, see no need for a Savior,
A choice, these men will sure regret, after their Judge, they have met.

My friend, The Lord God is not dead, as God is alive forever instead,
All men can believe whatever they want, but, God is God, to be blunt,
As every soul on earth shall see, when they meet The Lord of Eternity,
And Christ shall judge all of Creation, this according to His Revelation.

Bob Gotti