Denis Martindale - Mary And Joseph: A Story Of Love

2014-10-29 70

Joseph was born, Mary was born, each lived their lives on Earth...
A world some thought of as forlorn, yet God preserved its worth...
These children grew to adult age, betrothed and to be wed
And yet before the marriage stage, God intervened instead...

Thus Mary heard about her son, the Saviour yet to be,
The One called Jesus who has done so much on Calvary...
She learnt that she, a chosen maid, was now so highly blessed
And thus God humbly she obeyed, for He knew what was best...

Yes, God chose her and Joseph, too, because their hearts combined
With love forever good and true, the best that He could find...
Thus two young people lived their lives, God's secret Son to guide,
Unlike the husbands and the wives, in houses side-by-side...

Imagine them with Jesus there, the babe, the child, the man,
The prophet who would kneel in prayer to daily learn God's plan.
Good Shepherd, yet the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace and more,
The King of Calvary whose Blood was destined there to pour...

To think that Mary saw Him live, to think she saw Him die,
To think for us His life would give, though centuries passed by...
I tell you this, of all we know on Earth or Heaven above,
Mary and Joseph and Jesus show this wondrous thing called love...

Denis Martindale, copyright,15th May 2011.

Mary and Joseph: A Story of Love
was shown on Sky Digital today. So this
new poem is about what God has done
through them to help save Mankind...

Google's search engine helps find more details.

Denis Martindale

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