Elena Sandu - Gone without Goodbye - English and Japanese

2014-10-29 25

Lost letters lost letters
With the clouds may slide
After finding them waiting
On their hands you lie.

Lost kisses lost kisses
With the wind may fly
After finding them sleeping
On their shoulder you lie.

Lost hugs lost hugs
All the needy ones find
Then slowly and kind
Do hold them tight.

Roll up on them tightly
But with greatest care
Gently delicate kindly:
-Shhh! Don't let them be aware.

Letters, Kisses and Hugs
Vacuum all the cries
Spick and span cleaned
Let all smiles, rise!

I wrote this as a prayer letter for all the 3? 1 1? (March 11) tsunami victims (dead or alive) I hope will really get to the ones it was meant for..
here is the japanese interpretation by my friend Miyuki san:

Elena Sandu


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