Written from a priestess to a king…4000 yrs ago
Bridegroom…dear to my heart
Goodly is your beauty
And honeysweet
You have captivated me
Let me stand trembling
before you
And I would be taken
To your bedchamber
You have taken
Your pleasure of me
Tell my mother…
She will give you
And my father
Will give you
Written over 4000 years ago-authoress unknown
From an ancient Sumerian Tablet unearthed in Nippur Iraq
Edited just slightly by David O
Could this first published poetess even have conceived
That her intimate poem would be read all over the world?
This is not plagiarism! (at least not strictly so)
I just wanted the oldest poet In the world to get her overdue credit
And also to see how this lady's poetry is received today.
Let me know if you agree with me that…
This lady knew how to write, especially given that poetry and writing itself were both in their infancy
David Whalen