Bashyam Narayanan - Ins and outs

2014-10-29 5

Ins and outs

Ins and outs of technology
Ins and outs of business
Are the phrases with which
Most of us familiar
An individual’s experience and
Learning skills
Attendant with excellent execution
Make an individual
An expert in the ins and outs
Of a particular technology or business

A person too has ins and outs
Outs are those
Which get exhibited by the person’s
Talking and doing
While ins normally remain
Closed and only some close
Family members and friends
Are given to know it

Judging a person by the outs displayed
May prove wrong
As person is just his or her ins

Ins are mainly intensions
And often they are not made clear
Ins are displayed with masks
Guised often to be noble and humane
The mismatch between ins and outs
Makes an individual
Face conflicts within
And at times it goes beyond control

Though every one has a right to
Nurse ins and keep within
People of exemplary character
Display their ins
And they enjoy a perfect bliss
As they face no conflicts within
There is no need for them
To keep balancing
As they themselves are balanced

Basically the better match, if not a total match,
Between ins and outs
The happier you stay
With least time spent on
Resolving conflicts within

As a innocent child
Talk what you intend
And do what you talk
So that you remain
Comfortable with you

Bashyam Narayanan