Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) - Summit Mt Everest Death Zone Tested

2014-10-29 13

ego skilled self-esteem
may summit Mt Everest
in heights rarified inflated...
feeling approach supremacy
climb into thin air past...

death zone 8000 metres
temperatures chill low level
frostbite extremities body parts...
exposed to contact ice air
snow shaded well-frozen...

deaths injury mistake slipping
falling stalks pounces high winds
threatens life diced changeable...
potential threat stalks climbers
baited breath altitude on Everest...

low atmospheric pressure
at summit alluring on Everest
about a third of sea level...
low pressure resulting in
availability in limited about...

a deprivation starved third oxygen
left to breathe in blood oxygen level
summit plummets expunged depleted...
vastly increased pace breathing rate
times three four hundred percent...

exhaustion attempting to breathe
lacking oxygen extreme cold
climbing hazards all contribute...
to death zone death toll an injured
climber who cannot walk is in...

serious threatening life trouble
rescue by helicopter death zone
too high cannot peak fly carrying...
a climber off death zone heights
reaper Everest is extremely risky...

only skilled egos climb Everest
battle fierce three harsh masters
consciousness mind edge memory
to reconcile claims demands weary
control planning confirming reality

unconscious psyche source deep
primitive impulses drives id fears
superego conscience morals forms
standards rules ethical choice society
summit triumph or rescue lost attempt

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)


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