Lyudmila31 Purgina - K.Simonov, Wait for me - translation (rus.)

2014-10-29 1

by Konstantin Simonov

Wait for me and I'll return,
Only please, do wait.
Wait when yellow autumn storm
Takes your joy away.
Wait while snow downfall,
Wait while summer heat.
Wait when no one at all
Was waiting, as you did.
Wait when letter faraway
Wouldn't come to you.
Wait when everybody fail
Wait together, true.

Wait for me and I'll return.
Don't be kind for those,
Who are violent to recall
That you need to lose.
Let believe both mother, son
That I ever passed.
Let the friends sit fire round,
Tired wait at last,
Let them drink the cup of wine
For the sake of soul.
Wait, but don't haste to join
Company although.

Wait for me and I'll return,
All the deaths despite.
Who'd not waited, then they'll talk -
That's the only luck.
Never they'll accept the thought,
Showing wait in vain,
That amongst the fire onslaught
You my life had saved.
And survival will be your's
Merit - know that -
You did really wait me so -
No one could wait.


Lyudmila31 Purgina