Christine A Kysely - The Green Fairy (Absinthe)

2014-10-29 12

The Green Fairy visits me
From an apothecary jar
And gives to me
a Commoner’s taste of heaven
Libations for one and all
In close proximity
not from afar.

In smoke filled rooms
Of curling delights
I see diamonds
Reflected in all the lights
And Illumination
From the green glow
Possessed by the café’s glasses.

All is forgiven and forgotten
Within those walls of shame
There is a warmth and a comfort
To all its dismay…
As night turns toward midnight…
and midnight runs toward day.

There is no real obscure focus…
No magical hocus pocus
No real concentration of veritable belief
That the green fairy hides behind.

As absinthe begins and then continues on
to rule my body and my mind
And spirits me away
To a life of shortened days
But hours lengthened by the devotion
To The Green Fairy.

(November 26,2010 Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2010 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

Christine A Kysely