Every time I think of you
There follows a great succession
First my heart leaps for joy
Then follows a great depression
When I first think of you
My heart goes pitter patter
And when I try to talk
My words are all a scatter
Your hair flows before my eyes
Like waves of the beautiful sea
But that all fades when I remember
That you don't care for me
My heart drops deep within
And my spirit falls so fast
A tear dropp falls from my eye
Depression comes at last
I feel so dark and sad
I feel I need a retreat
But when I see you again
The cycle doth repeat
You are my favorite depression
Better than the rest
If you ever come to me
T'will be like an eagle returning to it's nest
You are my favorite sadness
The one that eats away my heart
But I know you think of me
As some annoying stinky fart
But you are my favorite depression
The best of them all
And I run to you like a puppy
Returning to it's mother's call.
Thirteen Tears