Marcus Mosiah Garvey - Jubilee

2014-10-29 67

1. Jubilee has come to-day,
Praise to God the only King;
Centuries have passed away,
And good freedom's rights begin.

2. Chains and blocks are gone to hell,
Souls of men and women too;
Saintly Prophets did all tell
Slavers, hardy, story true.

3. Come what may I'm free to dwell
Where the sun and stars do shine;
Never more can slavers sell
This triumphant soul of mine.

4. When from regions far away,
Creatures black of skin were brought,
Worldly men were glad to pay
Prices great for those they bought.

5. Better men of noble blood
Fought the tyrants all the way;
They before the world had stood,
Fighting for good freedom's day.

6. Now the day has come with joy,
Hearts are glad throughout the land;
Praises loud we now employ,
Blessing those of Buxton's band.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey