The world around me is a ravenous monster
He does not stop to chew his meal
Rather he swallows whole, body and soul
If you search his inner parts for a heart
You will find yourself digging for water in the depths of the Arabian desert
He has no heart
He thrives on ruining lives or ending them
When he crys, they are happy tears
He has succeded once again
His tears melt away the flesh of his unsuspectant victim
No one is safe from his torrment
I was lost within him searching for peace
I looked left and right
Up and down
But could not find it
It was not until I found a secret that I found what I was searching for
This secret was kept even from him
I was told to make myself home within the skin of words
It is only within the skin of a word that I find true comfort and peace
Within the walls of 26 symbols I am free to breath
I am free to create, to find happiness, to relax, to discover
I am free to live
I fear though that the sanctuary that I once called home is slowly being discovered
The beast has found out my secret
And though I deny his accusations
I know that he does not believe me
I have visited my sanctuary less and less, fearful that it’s location will be exposed
Each time I return, it seems that the walls are becoming less
Like the rooms are getting smaller
The symbols of what have protected me from the torment of this beast
Seem to be slowly dissapearing
Oh no
It is him
He has found me
Within the skin of these words
Portia Lane