I never knew her...
She was all vague...
Her eyes were distant...
But deep down, I loved her so much...
I had deliberately delayed my gift...
I thought I could never find her fount of love,
Which she had hidden away...
In one of the beautiful, colorful, shells...
Deep in her ocean of care...
But today, I could see the shimmering pearl...
I found the key...
She had it sparkling, always in her eyes...
Only the haughty rebel in me couldn't see it before...
I love my Mom...
Love her more than ever...
She'd always worried for me....
Held me invisibly, when I'd been in distress...
She'd always stood behind the clouds,
Round the clock, Peeping just to see I don't fall...
Praying with concern, for my wellness...
Now I'm going away...
Far Far Away...
And I feel the pangs I'd have to suffer...
Without her gentle hands caressing my hair...
Out of my face...Drifting me to a sound slumber...
But I know the chains are stronger now...
We're bonded for life...
Raihana Abdul Jabbar