Kai Schultz - A Childs Love

2014-10-29 6

So cute so loving
You put a smile on our lips.
The way you chase a rolling ball
or just snuggled in a blanketon our laps.
So small, so sick,
You became so cold
the way your breathing became shallow
and your eyes began to wander.
We snuggled you in a blanket
and set you in my lap.
So dark, so gray
You breathed your last breath
and your spirit slipped away.
Your eyes no longer wander
as your heart stopped its beat.
So lonely, so sad
The day turns bleak
all you can hear are small crys
and tears hit the ground.
But, the tears soon stop
and the sun soon shines.
We look at you and see your peace
as we remember the love we gave
as well as the way you changed our lives.
Though you are no longer here,
you still live in our memories,
You live in our hearts.

Kai Schultz
