Brandon Tyler Mahrt - Breaking Barriers

2014-10-29 6

best described
as a blank paper
reflecting the fruitlessness
of everything now.
And the pain will guide us back
to our own personal hell
we've experienced
so many times alone.
And thank god Ive found you,
another that sees and feels
the discontent in
the knowledge that we
could be so much more
if only given a chance.
We could finally make it!
Become poets in our own right
instead of wishing
for opportune moments to
seek refuge from the shadows,
and come forth into
the light we hope to
someday bask.
Its a tragedy
we are but subjects
to thrown stones
and spat words
of this repression.
Lets skip town tonight,
seclude ourseleves from
the limits set forth.
Sing songs of beauty.
Dance in eccentric
comradery around these
bonfires that burn as
bright as our motivation
to become better
for one another.

Brandon Tyler Mahrt