Ray Hansell - Never Too Late To Find God

2014-10-29 1

Can anyone step forward
To claim they are sin free?
Then please speak up
For you are greater then me

I know of not one person
Who can make such claim
If you're out there come forward
Please tell us your name

I don't see anyone moving
Or calling out their name
If you think about it
That really is a shame

No one has lived their life
Clean and sin free
I guess that goes for all of you
It also includes me to

But it's never too late
To cleanse your soul
You are never too young
Nor are you ever too old

Talk to God and ask Him
If it's too late to come clean
I'm sure He'll be happy
To help you change your scene

A kind, warm and sin free person
To help carry His word
When you kneel to talk with Him
I promise you'll be heard

Emotions will take over
Your soul will be set free
You will feel the happiness
That I felt inside of me

I gave my life to God
Then got it back in return
I was so glad to find out
It's never, too late to learn


Ray Hansell
