Ray Hansell - A Family Christmas

2014-10-29 2

Here it is Christmas Eve
As I think of you
I'm still on a foreign shore
With much still left to do

But I look to the heavens
As the night is deathly still
Wondering when I'll go home
Or if I ever will

The chances of me dying
Are still pretty good
I can't think I won't
Only because I know I could

But I always keep my guard up
I always stay alert
The last thing that I want for you
Is to hear that I've been hurt

I thought last year I'd be home
For Christmas two-thousand-eight
But as you see I'm still here
I guess this war must be our fate

So here's hoping that next year
That I'll be right there with you
Sharing a family Christmas
The way that families do


Ray Hansell
