Francis Duggan - A God Within In Every Child

2014-10-29 0

Apart from Nature there is a God known as the God Within
Found in every child in every Land for children are free of sin
A God within in every child or so 'twould seem that way
But most adults lose their God within though to another God they do pray
All children born with their God Within and sad am I to say
That as we age our God Within from some of us tend to stray
Forced to leave us by the Ego by it crowded out of our mind's space
For the kind and compassionate Inner God in our being there is no place,
A God Within in every child that's how 'twould seem to me
Though with that sort of thinking there are many who would choose to disagree
Of a God Within they will tell you there is no such a thing
Of the praises of their God Up There they only wish to sing
Most of us do lose our Inner God to too much love of self and greed
And the innocence of children is a Godlike thing indeed.

Francis Duggan