Philip Winchester - A Perfect Relationship of Like Minds

2014-10-29 12

Poem Title: A Perfect Relationship of Like minds
Poem 170b (Abecedarian) ..An Alphabetic Acrostic

Avarice is a worthy vice where the Antonym is Apathy.
Benevolence essential never thought unkind.
Charity will see you rise above any selfish greed.
Delight in treasure given as opposed to Misery.
Encourage every action not stooping to Dispirit.
Focus on the Friendship with no Dissipation present.
Guidance through the Maze never to Mislead.
Honour every thought once never to Disgrace.
Incentive negating any hint to so Discourage
Judiciously not sinking to Partiality.
Knowledge holds ground against Misunderstanding.
Loyalty beating Betrayal to the post each time.
Majesty a target from the Baseness if mankind.
Omniscience alternative to mindless Ignorance
Patronise in favour of direct dogmatic Opposition.
Quiescent in your mood not Turbulent.
Reliance in your trust far above Suspicion.
Stoic ethic preference to mad Excitability.
Talent of course rises high above Incompetence.
Unblemished reputation overrides Impurest thought.
Vital, every single cause, with nothing Secondary.
Wholesome thinking amid a Degenerated race.
X? .Cross against your name which could just be a Tick.
Zenith which our Like minds Reach from the Minimum lowest point.

OPW.28thOctober 2009)

Philip Winchester