to be unabashedly self-congratulatory.....
more modestly put....
I am taking joy in the fact that my instincts have not played me foul.....
(.from a few years back, when I joined this site, and holding true even now) ....
my very own powers of perception were and are functioning! !
there are two poets here,
Gary Witt and Tailor Bell...
.....continuing to use their minds and hearts beautifully, skillfully, as fine craftsmen....with grace, dignity, humor and inquisitive exploration.....(not to mention near-formidable intellects and all that good human stuff)
I admonish you readers, vehemently....don't just sit here reading my stumbling attempts....go read their'll find yourselves enriched and inspired....
.hurry, now.....go, go, go......that's it......! !
delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........