Dorian Petersen Potter - 9/11: A Day Of Infamy (Chain poem)

2014-10-29 7

September eleventh is a day
Day of infamy that I'll never forget
Forget what with my horrified eyes I watched
Watched coming from my TV screen and that re-played
Re-played showing airplanes flying and hitting straight
Straight into the Pentagon and the Twin Tower buildings
Buildings all around just started to sway and fall
Fall and bringing around so much destruction and death
Death took so many by surprise
Surprise and horror was shown on all faces as we witnessed
Witness and faced before us all this horrible tragedy
Tragedy that filled our hearts with unbearable sorrow and pain
Pain as we saw all this unfolding before our very eyes as we cried
Cried as we watched in horror all this happening
Happening back then and nobody able to stop it that fateful day
Day of so much destruction and sorrow
Sorrow and loss that took place that September eleventh day
Day in which we saw innumerable heroic acts of faith and courage
Courage of spirit hope and love for many that faced death
Death and destruction on this very unforgettable
Unforgettable day September 11,2001

September 5,2009

Dorian Petersen Potter