SAKTHI RAVICHANDRAN - The Song of bangle seller

2014-10-29 24

The Song of bangle seller

He sings in all nights to his crying son
to sleep with smile and to forget his mother
Though he is a poor bangle seller
his poem will be too high and luxury
There he compares his son as a prince of his empire and
he leaves his son with the angles to take care
Many plates of royal food will be waiting for him but
his prince Plays with them to his fun
His princess will be from that heaven and
She will bring moon and stars as her gift to that life
River from the Himalayas will come
to wash his palace and his dishes
Rain will shower milk to their bath and
Clouds will come to wipe his wet
Breeze will serve as his maiden to blow air
There his son will smile as Prince of the world
Sun will come and raise him from the bed and
Larks will play wakening notes to his wake up
There he stops his poem and goes
to have his own meal from his broken pot
He saw his sleeping son from that corner and
Pleasingly went to his bed with peace