Let the cleverest people
theorize scientifically
and try and proof
that the world
and the great universe,
originated cataclysmic
and out of nothing
developed into perfect systems
that is in harmony.
Still stars are constantly burning out
and natural things
are bound by time
and by its own accord,
every thing runs down
as thermodynamics’ second law
teaches clearly.
Let clever and great people
further try and teach
that the Almighty God
is only a myth
and that there’s no God,
or Satan
and that man
is his own supreme ruler
and that everything
only is focused around and about
the here and now.
Let them sprout from a homogenous cell,
fish, ape, gorilla and barbarian
and blinded by their own madness keep on reasoning,
I come out of the hand of an Almighty God
and know that my Father
holds His hand over every thing
and from eternity
He has selected me
to be His child.
Even wise men with time
comes to a fall
and the great God
of the universe,
stays past eternity
and His existence and love
can pass all things, time,
places and situations.
Gert Strydom