What's it like to be a teen.
In America today.
How does it feel to starve yourself.
And pretend that its okay.
How does it feel to cut your wrists.
And love what you don't need.
How does it feel to lose control.
In the very life you lead.
How does it feel to find relief.
In popping little pills.
How does it feel to be on drugs.
Knowing that it kills.
How does it feel to have your body.
Abused by evil men.
How does it feel to be on sale.
Since the age of ten.
How does it feel to be the outcast.
At a school that won't understand.
How does it feel to be laughed at.
And pushed 'till you can't stand.
How does it feel to be ignored.
By parents that just won't care.
How does it feel to cry alone.
When no one can be there.
How does it feel to shut your door.
To the world that lays outside.
How does it feel to hate yourself.
When all the good has died.
How does it feel to be a teen.
With scars all down your wrist.
How does it feel to live today.
In a world thats just like this.
Silence Dogood