Gemini like night and day, fire and water, love and hate all rolled up into one being…
My Gemini man loves me and I can feel it, the way he talks to me, the way he holds me, even the way he smells my hair it is so intense…
He makes me look at this world with a pair of new eyes from the good to the bad from the darkness to the lighting in the sky this is my Gemini…
When he is cool, he is chill’n but when he is hot then all hell will be loose. When he loves you there is nothing better but when it stops it is almost like he never knew you at all.
This Gemini man has a gift that he can bring life into a simple photo; he can turn noise into a perfect love song.
This is a story of my Gemini man from the best to the worst; from the yen to the yang he has two nature’s channels of electric that flows and brings change to all that is in his life.
Kimbaline Navas (she who waits)