Catastrophe KING - 942: I Am Lonely Now

2014-10-29 7

Having written this poem in 2007, I felt the need to re-compose as per my experiences thereon..... Please also read poem# 968

I wandered the dry deserts, mere lonely now;
Resembling the burning sun, like a brilliant light but!
I am my own specter, just frightened how;
Resembling the gleaming moon, like a shining night but!

I wandered the dry deserts, alas lonely now;
Resembling the falling star, like a lightening flash but!
I am my own felon, yet perilous how;
Resembling the scheming barb, like a shooting dash but!

I wandered the dry deserts, Oh! So lonely now;
Resembling the drowning shark, like a weighty might but!
I am my own charade and repentant how;
Resembling the howling snivel, like a flying kite but!

But, I still wander those scorching sands of dry deserts;
To burn my desires and rip my heart, yet in comfort how!

Catastrophe KING