Robert Macdonald - Neurotic Neurotransmitters

2014-10-29 9

Oh neurotic neurotransmitters
Why do you screw with me like you do?
Why do you make me so hardy to go to a party
Yet always leave me feeling blue

Oh dopamine such a dictator
Red robes rouse the masses
Yet in the end when the power is spent
Something snaps in the head
And the country is dead
Because of your genocide
Who will you rule
With whom will you side

Oh GABA seems so easy
So trustworthy and so smooth
Humphrey Bogart in drag
White tits start to sag
And suddenly you’ve lost the truth
GABA how can you rage
Inside a velvet cage
To never run free
Or swim in the sea
Oh GABA my friend
What have you done with the sun who was me

Serotonin the medicine man
Used to wander the fields of green
Dressed in a vest
Smoked cest with the rest
And lived in some homely teepee
I believe you could tell the future
Or see it beneath sanguine eyes
Till the white men came
With their gold and their shame
And wrinkled you with their lies

Norepinephrine a watchdog
Who sat on my front stoop
Shine teeth growled at sinners
White tricks for the winners
Jumped through a fiery hoop
Norepinephrine a watchdog
Eyes scanning slits in the head
Nose it would grow to sniff out the lows
Too faithful to lie in the bed
Norepinephrene a watchdog
Arthritis bones and grey
Eyes milked to brown
One day you fell down
And now you’re not here today

Oh neurotic neurotransmitters
Why do you screw with me like you do?
Why do you make me so hardy to go to a party
Yet always leave me feeling blue

Robert Macdonald