Chaotic Life aka Curly Mer - My sister

2014-10-29 1

So I have this (older) sister,
who, honestly, I really never loved that much
She gets my last nerves, and is soooo selfish.
But also she's so challenging and so smart
She can be the worst person on earth,
and other times be the best person on earth...

And now she's been gone for a few days...
The day she left, I pretended like I didn't care...
Like I was happy she was gone.
But honestly, I did care and I started crying when no one was looking and my dad was praying
Mom said she cried and keeps her happy face on when she knows she's sad
Then she hugs me really tightly and I just feel like crying.

I sleep on her bed now, my sister's
I could still smell her when I lay down on one of her pillows..
I tried hard not to think of her..or else I'll cry
After all, she's only gone for a few days...why cry?
But I couldn't hold it in... I thought of her and all that she is
I spent half of the night thinking about her and who she really is
And I concluded thinking that she's the SMARTEST person I've ever met...
And a great older sister (sometimes) .

Shortly after, I realized something...
I realize that I miss her and I wished & prayed that all of her hopes and dreams come true....
This is one of the things I thought I would never do..
But I guess my sister was right when she told me
'you don't know how you would react to something until it really happens...'

-Dedicated to my sis, July (pron: julie)

Chaotic Life aka Curly Mer