I'm living my whole life to you, your gracefulness of
love handles my emotional stamina, so wonderful
to feel the fumes of your smell, lighted in the hymn
of songs in the spirit of love
take every moment of few minutes, a thing to salute
the force that leads me to surrender, the masculinity
I possess, mill my grain I taste and toss the cup, that
never gain, the sweet melody of wind, harping my
tongue in your lips that call and listen to your echo, my
dear I have fallen in love with you again
let the flow of stream; learn to follow the road, to
surrender the eyes that close, let the your breath
hold to refresh the willing heart to kiss the motionless
hands I adore, your the the wisdom I return, my love
hold on and let me stand at your side and shout to
the golden wind, the great feeling I value the meaning
of you, leave me nothing to give, but the love that made
you, who I’m, today
fallen in love, I surrender in you......
Antonio Liao