Sandra jacks - Get behind me satan!

2014-10-29 20

You can not have me,
You are not part of me,
you are forbidden to whisper in my ear,
your chain will not be set upon me,
your hurts,
will not be added unto me,
you hate me,
which is just how i like it,
because i am not yours,
i am his,
and he is the way,
the truth and the life,
and no one comes to the father,
except through him,
and he is not of you,
and you are not of him,
so i am not of you,
for i am his child,
and all greatness and glory,
and purity and honor go to him,
never you,
for you are,
the evil,
that whispers,
in the weak ones ears,
you are the compromises they make,
you say to them'just a little more,
just a little further'
until you get them just where you want them,
which is far from him,
and close to you with all the chains and baggage
that you have put onto them,
but i will try to save them with him,
and i pray he uses me to help,
i can no longer watch you whisper in their ears,
while they destroy themselves you monster,
you murderer,
get behind me Satan!

Sandra jacks