Ibrar Siddiqi - I wish I could turn back my mistake

2014-10-29 29

i sat on my sofa.
Counting my mistakes.
Money I have lost.
Opportunites I did not take.
But there is one thing, I wish I had not lost.
Three weeks ago to the day.
My heart, I did break.
All I could do was to regret my mistake.
Re-runs of the same scenario.
Haunt me thorugh day and night.
No amount of strength nor drink.
Could lift me from this rut.
I lost you and it hurts.
I wish I could turn back time.
I got to reflect upon this for as long as it will take.
Biggest regret.
The biggest mistake...... losing you.

i Siddiqi 28/02/2009

Ibrar Siddiqi
