Wives of the world better lock up your husbands
Hide them all away from me
One wild, hot and horny woman on the loose
Looking to get wet and wild with your man
All night long
In a private motel room I'll give him what he says you never do
Cos honey unlike you
This much about me is true
I love making love to married men
I can never get enough
Again and again
I keep them all coming back for more
Answering my erotic classified ads
Promising the ulimate in pleasure cos....
I love making love to married men
At the office I'm the one keeping him late
Doing our best work on top of his desk
Leaving my lipstick on his collar for you to find
Yes, honey, that's my perfume you smell
The scent of the woman destined to take him away from you
The woman he dreams about while holding you
Honey, that woman is me
The one inviting your husband and all his friends who wear rings
To come late night knocking on my door cos....
I love making love to married men
So very bootylicious
How can he resist?
Deep down in his cheating heart
You and I both know the real score is this
Instead of sleeping in your bed tonight
He'll be in mine
Giving all he's got to the other woman in his life
Oral sex manic
Anytime, anyplace, baby
Ramona loves making love to married men
And yours, dear, is the one I enjoy making love to most of all
2009 Ramona Thompson
Ramona Thompson