Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus
Let us live, my Lesbia, and love and value at a penny all the talk of crabbed old men
For what do they of love
A true love like ours
Nothing at all!
All they know is their bitter vile and hate
Intorlant of any and all that are different
Straight and narrow they say we must be
For to be otherwise gay is naught but a sin
What close-minded fools these mortal so called God fearing men be
To judge and toss us away
When they themselves have done
So much worse in their lives
We are the innocent
They and their cruel accustions are the guilty
How can they not see that?
How can they go on living this way?
So blind
So unjust and ruthless
Eager to stamp out the fire
The fire of the very thing the good lord above most approves of
Love, sweet love
So listen to me now, my dear, and listen well
For here in these dark, desperate so adverse to changing times
This is indeed the message I long for you to most remember and hold dear
As I hold you tonight
Ever so tight and close
Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus
Let us live, my Lesbia and love, and value at a penny the talk of crabbed old men
2009 Ramona Thompson
Ramona Thompson