Sherri Vogel - I'm Just Not Interested

2014-10-29 20

Do I have to pin it on my T-shirt
Or write it on my head
In extra big letters
I'm Just Not Interested.
What's it gonna take
For you to finally see
No matter how you try
You're never seeing me.
There will not be a movie
No dinner or a date
Our meeting was misfortune
And not what you call fate.
I don't care if you are rich
Have no problem with the cost
What's it gonna take
For you to just get lost.
A big neon sign
That's blinking just dropp dead
Can't you just take no
'I'm Just Not Interested.'

I just want people who read this poem to know dropp is spelled with two p's incorrectly. There must be some type of glitch in the system because everytime I key in the right spelling the system add's an extra p. I'll have to see if there's a tech dept who can updat the system. I just want people to know I am aware the word is spelled incorrectly. (It looks stupid) .

Sherri Vogel