Tears fell down a face
Lips begin to tremble
A heart is slowly beating
Blood is no longer flowing
The sun is no longer shinning
The leaves is no longer green
A life just been taking
By someone controlling reasons
No longer can makeup excuses
Always tried to understand
Still trying to figure out
Why it happens again
You read it in the paper
So many times before
Saw it on the news
But couldn’t walk out the door
Kept trying to be a home
Where I thought he wanted to live
Tried to be the car
I wasn’t his choice of wheels
Even tried to be, the heat that kept him warm
Tried to give him everything
The best inside was growing
Would have swam the oceans
Walk any given miles
Just to keep the peace with him
While I carry his child
Don’t want to feel the pain he gives
Tired of hiding the bruises
I know it won’t be just me this time
Who he will be abusing
Told all my family and friends again
If it happens I will be leaving
They tried to make me stay tonight
Deep down they didn’t believe me
I knew this time I would
I had a different feeling
Not only did I had that feeling
I had a better reason
So tonight was that night
I scream to him no more
Tonight will be the night
I’m walking out the door
Tonight was the first night
That I really ever tried
But tonight will be the last night
Cause tonight my baby and I died
zonda davis