Linda Winchell - Memories Of Thanksgiving Long Ago'

2014-10-29 9

I was going down my memory lane
On this Thanksgiving morn.
Thinking of all who are no longer with us
and the memories their lives, in mine had formed.

There was my Grandma Celina
a real Spanish hot tamale!
and Aunt Ethel and Cousin Sharon
and then there was my Mother in laws
sister Aunt Oli!

Those Thanksgiving dinners, were always the best!
their scents seemed to permeate every room!
We would all sit down to feast on it
while sounds of everyone eating were heard
as they passed each bowl and spooned!

Mom looked so exhausted
as she finally sat down to take a bite.
She had been up early in the morning cooking
and had prepared some dishes, late last night.

Then there was the clean up
no men were ever seen!
They retired to the front room
and perched themselves in front of the T.V. screen!

All the Aunts would help my Mom
said Flo, 'Go set a spell! '
We can get these dishes done for you
your looking tired and not too well.

Memories of long ago, now repeated
of our families, Thanksgiving dinner fame.
With all the memories made in my life
Of Thanksgiving's just the same.

Linda Winchell