Lawrence S. Pertillar - Civil Unrest

2014-10-29 3

The next steps...
Will it be civil unrest?
As the reality of their ancestry...
Brings out the beast in them.
And at its evil best!
As history repeats...
How empires are defeated!

For centuries they chose to feed on lies.
Using the threat of enemies,
As an excuse to express an inferiority...
That kept them in chaos,
Tantrums and childish fits!
And around the world,
Despised by the growth of it!

Criticizing their tactics,
Now are their allies...
Who have grown tired of their tricks.
And those who would not believe,
The depth of their deceit...
Sit seething,
Huffing and puffing...
In deep breaths breathing.

Seeing themselves as pawns,
And baited victims,
Of an economic mess...
No one is willing to fix!
Or express one regret.
Not in the support,
Of the continuance...
Of such disasterous conflicts,
Their ignorance permitted...
An elected leadership to exist!

And this depression,
Will be their last and final lesson.
With all suffering a mental suppression.
That promises to craze them into raging bits!

Could you read me another fairytale?
That one was kinda scary! '

Lawrence S. Pertillar