several applications later
Who are these
who from outside have held me afar?
(proffered a hand but to push me out)
who have stood behind wholesome words,
genial manners and glib postures
to stand me at the edge?
bold with a name
not hiding behind a
nom de plume
though using designation and position
but each faceless, or if met, poker-faced
They set out procedures and invite applications
they hold out forms (and hope) by mail, fax and website
but who are these?
Who are these
who have been measured
and silently cunning? Keeping a semblance
with distinct communications
and standard letters...
Many with cheerful vibrations
on the phone,
so many mysterious and hidden
in district offices...
How can I get near?
How can I break through?
(from Migrant - notes of a newcomer (February 1997- July 1998))
Raj Arumugam